Thursday, March 12, 2009

First you love me, now you hate me

Mom and i took the girls out to eat yesterday. as we were sitting at our table, this really handsome guy came in and sat his little boy down at the table. he was dressed nicely, coming from work probably, very well spoken...and had on a wedding ring.

as he interacted with his son who was about two or so, i just looked at them. at first i felt blank. it was just a guy and his son eating dinner. but then i started to watch the guy. when his phone rang, he smiled as he glanced at the caller id and answered, "Hi honey!" He proceeded to tell her that he had gotten him from the sitter early and was giving her an evening off to do something for herself...from where i was sitting she sounded grateful and excited, and as he hung the phone off, he told her he loved her, and i could tell from the look on his face that it was sincere. as the tears welled up in my eyes a bit, i laughed to myself...what was so funny?

the fact that within a year or so, he could end up despising her so much that he wishes he never met her.

nobody thinks about that when they get into a relationship. anyone who watches Dr. Phil or Maury has probably had the realization that these angry, bitter couples who would love to see their exes suffer in agony, were actually in love at one point. IN LOVE...they rushed home to see them after a long day at work, watched them sleep at night, called just to say i love you...and then overnight, it vanished. obviously, they probably had some warning signs, but who pays attention to them? we are told that relationships are work, and when the major problems occur, instead of running away, we try and work on things, and inevitably repair what might not need to be fixed...


Floormodel said...

I'm reading you blog and nodding my head. Nt in a 'been there, done that' kind of way even though I've been there, done that...but in a 'you're not alone' kind of way. it doesn't help, it won't fix anything but I just wanted to tell you that you're not alone in your confusion. Someone, me, understands exactly what your confusion, frustration, and pain feels like.

Durty Mo said...

I definitely understand this from A to Z back to A! I've been there, done it and will probably do it again! I'm a sucka for love..obviously *sigh*

Just stopping by to show much ♥ homie!!!

JSADTheKing said...

First let me say damn you for up setting my manliness lol with this father son sentimental mess, lol. Second For all of you heart broken, mad at love, sucka for love women, DO NOT GIVE up on love it doesn't always end that way please listen when I say this you deserve the best man for you as well as the best things in life. So when you go out with these men the first couple of days if you find anything that you think you can work with, some thing he does that you can over look, or some thing about him you think he may grow out of or maybe he will change. WRONG He is not the guy for you. There is a man out there who will love every thing about you even your flaws and you will love him the same. So don't ever settle or compromise. And never give up.

Acolyte said...

So sad but so true. I think the relationships that do stand a chance are the ones where peeps are even tempered and evenly matched. Anything that starts with alot of steam is bound to either fizzle out or blow up sooner or later.